• Question: What came first the chicken or the egg?

    Asked by to Anna, Jane, Iain, Nick on 14 Mar 2014. This question was also asked by candyboo14.
    • Photo: Anna Middleton

      Anna Middleton answered on 14 Mar 2014:

      Hi xoxlauraxox
      That’s the great thing about this question – there is no answer. This is actually quite a philosophical question and shows that there are some things about life that we currently don’t have an answer for, .e.g what happened before the Big Bang? Is God real? These are things that philosophers, mathematicians and scientists will always debate.

    • Photo: Jane Charlesworth

      Jane Charlesworth answered on 19 Mar 2014:

      Eggs definitely came before chickens. Lots of things lay eggs (insects, reptiles, frogs, birds, even some mammals like the platypus). So the very first chicken hatched out of an egg that was laid by the ancestor of chickens, which is probably a bird called the Red Jungle Fowl, that lives in the tropical forests of Asia. As you can see, they look very much like chickens (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Junglefowl) but there are subtle differences in their DNA that suggest they are a different species.

    • Photo: Iain Moal

      Iain Moal answered on 19 Mar 2014:

      The egg the came first, as it evolved well before birds even existed, so I agree with Jane. The more trickier question is “what came first, the chicken or the chicken egg?”. Was it a chicken that came from a non-chicken egg, or did a non-chicken lay a chicken egg? In fact, these are actually meaningless questions, because in evolution animals evolve from one species to another is slow, continuous transitions, where each animal looks a lot like its parents, but given a really long time, animals can change to look very different from their ancient ancestors. For this reason, it is impossible to categorise animals discretely as either, say, ‘chicken’ and ‘non-chicken’. In reality there was a species that wasn’t a chicken, that over hundreds of thousands of years turned into something a little bit chicken-like, which turned into something that was very chicken-like, which turned into a chicken.
