• Question: What is your favorite Experiment you have ever done?

    Asked by kjc121 to Anna, Chris, Jane, Iain, Nick on 7 Mar 2014. This question was also asked by missingunicorn, helloimholly, imagineozzi, 13crooksgeorge.
    • Photo: Anna Middleton

      Anna Middleton answered on 7 Mar 2014:

      @kjc121 I asked deaf sign language using adults what they thought about genetic testing in pregnancy for deafness. Most were horrified with the idea as they didn’t mind having deaf children and hated the idea that some people might choose to have an abortion if they were tested, and found their baby was deaf. This was the most exciting research I’ve ever done and changed the way genetic health professionals view deafness.

    • Photo: Jane Charlesworth

      Jane Charlesworth answered on 10 Mar 2014:

      Mine was actually when I was at school, in about year 8. I grew up in the US and my school had a ‘science fair’ every year where every kid got to do an experiment that they chose. I studied whether cats can be right or left pawed, like humans are right or left handed. I did it by ‘interviewing’ lots of cats by dangling a treat in front of them ten times and seeing if they usually used one paw to get it. I didn’t really get a conclusive result, but it taught me a lot about how carefully scientists have to design experiments.
