• Question: what parts are there of a genome?

    Asked by jackthehat8 to Nick on 12 Mar 2014.
    • Photo: Nick Goldman

      Nick Goldman answered on 12 Mar 2014:

      Oh, there’s so many parts and we don’t understand a lot of them. One of the parts we understand best are the bits that have the code for the proteins that our bodies are made out of. That’s just a few % of the genome, but we know how to read that part of the code, and how the code is read in our cells. Near those parts there are “regulatory regions” — that’s like having a lot of switches and dials to control when the proteins are turned on and off, and how much of each one is made.
      Then there are a lot of bits that encode other signals that modify the reactions in your body, depending on whether you are hot or cold, or hungry, or sleepy.
      And then, in humans and other mammals, there are huge regions where we don’t really know what they do. So there’s plenty of work left for more scientists to come along with good ideas and sort it out!
