• Question: what's interesting about science?

    Asked by kaji2002 to Iain, Nick, Anna, Jane on 12 Mar 2014. This question was also asked by bethanyh12, , .
    • Photo: Nick Goldman

      Nick Goldman answered on 12 Mar 2014:

      For me, what’s interesting is knowing how things work. If we find out how things work, we can change them (cure disease!) or make new things (new technology like smartphones). If you don’t know how things work, you just wander through life not understanding what’s going on or what you can do about it. I’d hate that.

    • Photo: Anna Middleton

      Anna Middleton answered on 13 Mar 2014:

      What I find interesting is that every day is different and I learn new stuff all the time. I really enjoy having a curiosity about something then trying different ways to measure this and then finally getting an answer to my original question. I also like the life that being a scientist gives me – if I want to work through the night I can, if I want to turn up late I can. My day is my own and I decide how to structure it. This makes my job very enjoyable and I’d still do it even if I wasn’t being paid.

    • Photo: Jane Charlesworth

      Jane Charlesworth answered on 19 Mar 2014:

      What I find interesting about science is finding out how the world works. Some people think it’s more exciting to not understand how things work and that magic is more exciting than science, but I disagree. Knowing how a rainbow works or how a butterfly gets coloured patterns on its wing doesn’t make those things any less beautiful. In fact I find it even more exciting to know that we can explain those things. As a scientist I feel like I get to be just like a little kid, asking questions all the time and testing things to see what happens.
